Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Another small victory in my struggle with Time (and how I feel there's not enough of it) Part I

Today I had an appointment for a haircut. When I first realized yesterday that I did not have a morning free of commitments other than my usual list of things like cleaning up the kitchen, laundry, exercise, blogging, etc., my first thought was Geeeeeez. Another day when I am NOT going to be able to mop the floor.

Now, don't get the wrong idea here. I have mopped the floor of this house once since we moved in three and a half years ago (now, again, don't get another wrong idea; until recently, we paid someone to come do a minimal cleaning once a month, which kept everything from being disgusting, if not actually clean, most of the time). It's not like I'm addicted to mopping. But now that I have 3 hours "free*" "every**" weekday, I feel like there's no reason I shouldn't be mopping my own floor at least once a month.

So now I am out of time, and all I've done is set this story up, but haven't gotten to the point. I will make this Part I and hope that tomorrow I remember what it was I wanted to say.

*free, except for 45 minutes of exercise, the cleaning of the kitchen, laundry, urgent errands, newly-prioritized attempts to lift my spirits by talking to friends on the phone or seeing friends in person, volunteering at school, prepping dinner, and, until recently, trying to get ready for Christmas, etc.

**every, except for when someone's home sick, or I have physical therapy, or I'm sick, or I have some other doctor's appointment, etc.

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